Our expertise spans across a wide range of services including:
IRS audit support and representation;
Filing and negotiating Offer in Compromise with the IRS and the State to significantly lower your federal and state tax debt!
Tax return preparation for individuals including sole proprietor, LLC;
Tax return preparation - Business entities : 1065, 1120, 1120S
- Tax return preparation - Not for profit organizations
Tax return preparation - Trust and estate tax returns
Tax return preparation - Non Resident tax returns with J1, H1, F1 Visas
Gift tax returns
ITIN application process assistance and tax preparation
FAFSA form assistance
Self-preparation and electronic filing of your tax returns
Click on the image below to create a login for the 1040.com module of Drake Software. Login, prepare and file electronically your federal and state tax returns.
To request additional expert assistance on tax self-preparation, please submit a question through the Ask a Question section.